N. L.

A Palestinian woman wearing hijab walks past a mural of murdered  journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. A blue helmet with the label 'Press' has a bullet being shot into it, with blood splatters emanating from the wound it produced. Additionally, there are words in Arabic throughout the mural.
A mural in Gaza City of slain journalist Shireen Abu Akleh

Body Politic/s: Palestine and the Politicization of Being

Exhibit Purpose?

Black and white artwork of a Palestinian woman, in traditional Palestinian clothing, winding up a sling with a rock. Within her black skirt are multiple other people, men and women, with pulled slings.
Abdel Rahmen al-Mozayen (Palestine), Jenin, 2002.

Essential Objects: Purposes and Considerations

Roy Lisker is seated at a table and wearing a yellow t-shirt and black pants. There are multiple books laid out on the table, and Lisker is holding a folder in his hand.
Roy Lisker writing in the Russell Library courtyard, Middletown, CT

If you are interested, the entirety of Edward Saïd’s 2002 lecture at Wesleyan, by miraculous circumstances, can be listened to below!

Additionally, students reactions to Saïd’s lecture can be found in the Argus selections below.

*Please Note: This ‘object’ and its associated materials are a unique addition to the online version of this Exhibit.

Flag draped coffins of slain Palestinians killed in Israeli raid are taken through the streets of Beirut, Lebanon on April 12, 1973, with many people holding the coffins (numbering four) above their heads. Palestinian flags are draped over their coffins.
Funeral procession of slain Palestinians killed in Israeli raid (1973)
Three photos depicts President Bennet in business formal attire on his trip to the Middle East with US Aid. One photo depicts Bennet with a doctor in a hospital setting in the West Bank. A second photo depicts Bennet walking along the street in the West Ban with three men, one dressed in traditional Palestinian clothing. The third depicts Bennet meeting Anwar Sadat, with the two looking at each other as they sit in chairs a few feet apart.
Photos from President Bennet’s US Aid Trip (1979)

“This [narrative] contest, which uses visual proof of damaged bodies and images of human suffering as primary tools, remains central to Palestinian nationalist representations. Through a focus on bodies and the blood, guts, and flesh to which so many are reduced by Israeli violence, the physical common denominators all human beings share are thrust before the world’s eyes. Palestinians are staging claims to a humanity shared in common with the international community and, therefore, to their status as deserving of human rights.” Allen, 162

“To whom must the [Palestinian] narrative be addressed? Who must be convinced in order for Palestinians to become human, normal, and socially acceptable? And according to what criteria?” Jawad, 35

“Being subject to international norms of Western-dominated political, economic, and humanitarian bodies is a process of conditioning subjects, a process of disciplining… In this notion, the subjects on display are to be ‘described, judged, measured, compared with others…to be trained or corrected, classified, normalized.’ Being under the examiner’s gaze is an exercise in being subject to power and domination.” Jawad, 30

Artwork depicting a Palestinian woman wearing traditional clothing, a blue dress with tatreez designs and a white headscarf. She is holding/embracing an orb in her arms that depicts Jerusalem.
Sliman Mansour (Palestine), Woman Carrying Jerusalem, 1997


Primary Sources:

Edward Said, Recorded Lecture: Recorded at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut (19 February 2002)

Wesleyan Argus Volume 137, Number 31 (February 22, 2002): See Permalink Here for Digital Access

Secondary Sources

Allen, Lori A. “Martyr bodies in the media: Human rights, aesthetics, and the politics of

immediation in the Palestinian intifada.” American Ethnologist 36, no. 1 (2009): 161-180.

Haslam, Nick, and Michelle Stratemeyer. “Recent research on dehumanization.” Current

Opinion in Psychology 11 (2016): 25-29.

Jawad, Rania. “Aren’t We Human? Normalizing Palestinian Performances.” The Arab Studies

Journal 22, no. 1 (2014): 28-45.

Marshall, David Jones. “‘All the Beautiful Things’: Trauma, Aesthetics and the Politics of

Palestinian Childhood.” In The Beginning of Politics, pp. 53-73. Routledge, 2016.

Said, Edward W. 2003. Orientalism. Penguin Modern Classics. London, England: Penguin


Shadiqi, Muhammad Abdan, Hamdi Muluk, and Mirra Noor Milla. “Palestinian solidarity action:

The dynamics of politicized and religious identity patterns among student

activists.” Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia 22, no. 2 (2018): 118-128.

Yiftachel, Oren. “‘Ethnocracy’: The Politics of Judaizing Israel/Palestine.” Constellations 6, no. 3

(1999): 364-390.


Bennet Photo: Images from the Wesleyan Archives, Photo taken by me

Funeral Procession Photo: AP Photo (File)

Mural Photo: Al Jazeera/AFP/Getty Images

Roy Lisker Photo: Provided by Community Contributor ‘Rolande Duprey’ to The Hartford Courant


Abdel Rahmen al-Mozayen (Palestine), Jenin, 2002.

Sliman Mansour (Palestine), Woman Carrying Jerusalem, 1997

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